Perl::Critic::StricterSubs - Perl::Critic plugin for stricter subroutine

    This module has no functionality, but instead contains documentation for
    this distribution and acts as a means of pulling other modules into a
    bundle. All of the Policy modules contained herein will have an
    "AFFILIATION" section announcing their participation in this grouping.

    As a dynamic language, Perl doesn't require you to define subroutines
    until run-time. Although this is a powerful feature, it can also be a
    major source of bugs. For example, you might mistype the name of a
    subroutine, or call a subroutine from another module without including
    that module or importing that subroutine. And unless you have very good
    test coverage, you might not know about these bugs until you have
    already launched your code.

    The Perl::Critic::Policy modules in this distribution are aimed at
    reducing errors caused by invoking subroutines that are not defined.
    Each Policy can be used separately. But when applied together, they
    enforce a specific and deliberate coding style that minimizes the chance
    of writing code that makes calls to undefined subroutines.

    This coding style will not appeal to everyone. Some folks will surely
    find this coding style to be too verbose or too restrictive. In
    particular, importing via Exporter tags and pattern matching is
    purposely not supported. But hopefully, these Policies will encourage
    you to consciously consider the inherent trade-offs of your current
    coding style.

    Perl::Critic is a static analyzer, so the Policies in this distro only
    pertain to static subroutines. That is, subroutine calls that typically
    look like one of these:

      Bar::baz( $string );
      Quux->new( @args );

    At present, Perl::Critic cannot not know the class ancestry of any
    particular object reference. Thus, the Policies in this distro do not
    cover object methods, such as these:


    Still, it is difficult for Perl::Critic to know precisely which static
    subroutines will be defined at run time. Therefore, these Policies are
    expected to report some false violations. So you probably don't want to
    use these Policies with Test::Perl::Critic or other frameworks that
    expect 100% violation-free code. Instead, I suggest using these Policies
    with the perlcritic command to perform ad hoc analysis of your code.

    The following Policy modules are shipped in this distribution. See the
    documentation within each module for details on its specific behavior.

    If you refer to symbols in another package, you must explicitly include
    that module. [Severity: 4]

    Unqualified subroutines must always be declared or explicitly imported
    within the file. [Severity: 4]

    Only allow calls to external subroutines that are named in @EXPORT or
    @EXPORT_OK. [Severity: 4]

    All subroutines named for @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK must be defined in the
    file. [Severity: 4]

    Do not declare subroutines with fully-qualified names [Severity: 3]

    After installing the "Perl-Critic-StricterSubs" distro, all the included
    Policies available to the Perl::Critic engine. The Policies in this
    distro all belong to the "strictersubs" theme, so you can disable all of
    them at once using either of these methods:

      # In your .perlcriticrc file...
      theme = not strictersubs

      # With the perlcritic command-line...
      $> perlcritic --theme='not stricter_subs'

    See "CONFIGURATION" in Perl::Critic section for more information about
    configuring the Perl::Critic engine.

    Each Policy in this distro may support additional configuration settings
    that can be accessed through your .perlcriticrc file. See the perldoc in
    each Policy for more details.

    DEVELOPMENT of the "Perl-Critic-StricterSubs" distribution was financed
    by a grant from The Mathworks (<>). The Perl::Critic
    team sincerely thanks The Mathworks for their generous support of the
    Perl community and open-source software.

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>

    Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can
    be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.