Health::BladderDiary::GenTable - Create bladder diary table from entries

    This document describes version 0.007 of Health::BladderDiary::GenTable
    (from Perl distribution Health-BladderDiary-GenTable), released on

    Your bladder entries e.g. in `bd-entry1.txt` (I usually write in Org

     0730 drink: 300ml type=water

     0718 urinate: 250ml

     0758 urinate: 100ml

     0915 drink 300ml

     1230 drink: 600ml, note=thirsty

     1245 urinate: 200ml

    From the command-line (I usually run the script from inside Emacs):

     % gen-bladder-diary-table-from-entries < bd-entry1.txt
     | time     | intake type | itime | ivol (ml) | ivol cum | icomment | urination time | uvol (ml) | uvol cum | urgency (0-3) | ucolor (0-3) | ucomment |
     | 07-08.00 | water       | 07.30 |       300 |      300 |          |          07.18 |       250 |      250 |               |              |          |
     |          |             |       |           |          |          |          07.58 |       100 |      350 |               |              |          |
     | 08-09.00 |             |       |           |          |          |                |           |          |               |              |          |
     | 09-10.00 | water       | 09.15 |       300 |      600 |          |                |           |          |               |              |          |
     | 10-11.00 |             |       |           |          |          |                |           |          |               |              |          |
     | 12-13.00 | water       | 12.30 |       600 |     1200 | thirsty  |          12.45 |       200 |          |               |              |          |
     |          |             |       |           |          |          |                |           |          |               |              |          |
     | total    |             |       |      1200 |          |          |                |       550 |          |               |              |          |
     | freq     |             |       |         3 |          |          |                |         3 |          |               |              |          |
     | avg      |             |       |       400 |          |          |                |       183 |          |               |              |          |

    Produce CSV instead:

     % gen-bladder-diary-table-from-entries --format csv < bd-entry1.txt > bd-entry1.csv

    This module can be used to visualize bladder diary entries (which is
    more comfortable to type in) into table form (which is more comfortable
    to look at).

  Diary entries
    The input to the module is bladder diary entries in the form of text.
    The entries should be written in paragraphs, chronologically, each
    separated by a blank line. If there is no blank line, then entries are
    assumed to be written in single lines.

    The format of an entry is:

     <TIME> ("-" <TIME2>)? WS EVENT (":")? WS EXTRA

    It is designed to be easy to write. Time can be written as "hh:mm" or
    just "hhmm" in 24h format.

    Event can be one of "drink" (or "d" for short), "eat", "urinate" (or "u"
    or "urin" for short), "poop", or "comment" (or "c" for short).

    Extra is a free-form text, but you can use "word"="text" syntax to write
    key-value pairs. Some recognized keys are: "vol", "comment", "type",
    "urgency", "color".

    Some other information are scraped for writing convenience:

     /\b(\d+)ml\b/          for volume
     /\bv(\d+)\b/           for volume
     /\bu([0-9]|10)\b/      for urgency (1-10)
     /\bc([0-6])\b/         for clear to dark orange color (0=clear, 1=light yellow, 2=yellow, 3=dark yellow, 4=amber, 5=brown, 6=red)

    Example "drink" entry (all are equivalent):

     07:30 drink: vol=300ml
     0730 drink 300ml
     0730 d 300ml

    Example "urinate" entry (all are equivalent):

     07:45 urinate: vol=200ml urgency=4 color=light yellow comment=at home
     0745 urin 200ml urgency=4 color=light yellow comment=at home
     0745 u 200ml u4 c1 comment=at home

   Urination entries
    A urination entry is an entry with event "urination" (can be written as
    just "u" or "urin"). At least volume is required, can be written in ml
    unit e.g. "300ml", or using "vNUMBER" e.g. "v300", or using "vol" key,
    e.g. "vol=300". Example:

     1230 u 200ml

    You can also enter color, using "color=NAME" or "c0".."c6" for short.
    These colors from 7-color-in-test-tube urine color chart is recommended:
    illustration-image163017644> or

     0 - clear
     1 - light yellow
     2 - yellow
     3 - dark yellow
     4 - amber
     5 - brown
     6 - red


     1230 u 200ml c2

    You can also enter urgency information using "urgency=NUMBER" or
    "u0".."u10", which is a number from 0 (not urgent at all) to 10 (most
    urgent). Example:

     1230 u 200ml c2 u4

  Drink (fluid intake) entries
    A drink (fluid intake) entry is an entry with event "drink" (can be
    written as just "d"). At least volume is required, can be written in ml
    unit e.g. "300ml", or using "vNUMBER" e.g. "v300", or using "vol" key,
    e.g. "vol=300". Example:

     1300 d 300ml

    You can also input the kind of drink using "type=NAME". If type is not
    specified, "water" is assumed. Example:

     1300 d 300ml type=coffee

  Eat (food intake) entries
    The diary can also contain food intake entries. Currently volume or
    weight of food (or volume of fluid, by percentage of food volume) is not
    measured or displayed. You can put comments here for more detailed
    information. The table generator will create a row for each food intake,
    but will just display the time, type ("food"), and comment columns.

    voiding diary, bladder diary


     gen_bladder_diary_table_from_entries(%args) -> [status, msg, payload, meta]

    Create bladder diary table from bladder diary entries.

    This function is not exported by default, but exportable.

    Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

    *   date => *date*

    *   entries* => *str*

    *   yesterday_last_urination_entry => *str*

    Returns an enveloped result (an array).

    First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200
    means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is
    a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third
    element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta)
    is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra

    Return value: (any)

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    perlancar <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2020 by

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.