use Permute::Named::Iter qw(permute_named_iter);
     my $iter = permute_named_iter(bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)]);
     while (my $h = $iter->()) {
         some_setup() if $h->{bool};
         # ... now maybe do some tests ...


    This module is like Permute::Named, except that it offers an iterator
    interface. Some other differences: 1) it only accepts an even-sized
    list and not arrayref or hashref; 2) it does not use deep cloning, so
    if one of the values is a reference and you modify the content of the
    reference, the next iteration will see the modification; 3) the
    function permute_named_iter is not exported by default, you have to
    import it explicitly.


 permute_named_iter(@list) => CODE

    Takes a list of key-specification pairs where the specifications can be
    single values or references to arrays of possible values. It then
    returns an iterator (coderef) which you can call repeatedly to permute
    all key-specification combinations.

    The function expects the pairs as an even-sized list. Each
    specification can be a scalar or a reference to an array of possible
    values. The returned iterator can be called and will return a hashref,
    or undef if all the permutation has been exhausted.

    Example 1:

     my $iter = permute_named_iter(bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)]);
     my @p; while (my $h = $iter->()) { push @p, $h }

    @p will contain:

     ( { bool => 0, x => 'foo' },
       { bool => 0, x => 'bar' },
       { bool => 0, x => 'baz' },
       { bool => 1, x => 'foo' },
       { bool => 1, x => 'bar' },
       { bool => 1, x => 'baz' }, )

    Example 2:

     my $iter = permute_named_iter(bool => 1, x => 'foo');
     my @p; while (my $h = $iter->()) { push @p, $h }

    @p will just contain the one permutation:

     ({bool => 1, x => 'foo'})


    Permute::Named, PERLANCAR::Permute::Named and CLI permute-named.

    Set::CrossProduct, Set::Product, et al (see the POD of Set::Product for
    more similar modules) and CLI cross.