# NAME API::Medium - Talk with medium.com using their REST API # VERSION version 0.902 # SYNOPSIS use API::Medium; my $m = new({ access_token=>'your_token', }); my $hash = $m->get_current_user; say $hash->{id}; my $url = $m->create_post( $user_id, $post ); my $other_url = $m->create_publication_post( $publication_id, $post ); # DESCRIPTION It's probably a good idea to read [the Medium API docs](https://github.com/Medium/medium-api-docs) first, especially as the various data structures you have to send (or might get back) are **not** documented here. See `example/hello_medium.pl` for a complete script. ## Authentication ### OAuth2 Login Not implemented yet, mostly because medium only support the "web server" flow and I'm using `API::Medium` for an installed application. ### Self-issued access token / Integration token Go to your [settings](https://medium.com/me/settings), scroll down to "Integration tokens", and either create a new one, or pick the one you want to use. # Methods ## new my $m = API::Medium->new({ access_token => $token, }); Create a new API client. You will need to pass in your `$token`, see above on how to get it. Please make sure no not leak your Integration Token. If you do, anybody who has it can take over your Medium page! ## get\_current\_user my $data = $m->get_current_user; Fetch the User "object". You will need this to get the user `id` for posting. Depending on your app you might want to store your `id` in some config file to save one API call. ## publications Not implemented yet. Listing the user's publications /users/{{userId}}/publications ## contributors Not implemented yet. Fetching contributors for a publication. /publications/{{publicationId}}/contributors ## create\_post my $url = $m->create_post( $user_id, $post_data ); Create a new post. If you pass in bad data, Medium will probably report an error. `publishStatus` is set to 'draft' unless you pass in another value. ## create\_publication\_post my $url = $m->create_publication_post( $publication_id, $post_data ); Create a new post under a publication. You will need to figure out the publication\_id by calling the API from the commandline (until `publications` is implemented.) If you pass in bad data, Medium will probably report an error. `publishStatus` is set to 'draft' unless you pass in another value. ## TODO - OAuth2 Login - Get a new access\_token from refresh\_token - `publications` - `contributors` ## Thanks Thanks to Dave Cross for starting [Cultured Perl](https://medium.com/cultured-perl), which prompted me to write this module so I can auto-post blogposts from [my private blog](http://domm.plix.at) to medium. # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.