# NAME Data::Generator::FromDDL - Dummy data generator from DDL statements # SYNOPSIS use Data::Generator::FromDDL; my $generator = Data::Generator::FromDDL->new({ ddl => 'CREATE TABLE users (....);', parser => 'mysql', }); $generator->generate(100); # DESCRIPTION Data::Generator::FromDDL is dummy data generator intended to easily prepare dummy records for RDBMS. This module takes care of some constraints specific to RDBMS and generates records in the right order. Supported constraints are - PRIMARY KEY - UNIQUE KEY - FOREIGN KEY Supported data types are - BIGINT - INT (INTEGER) - MEDIUMINT - SMALLINT - TINYINT - TIMESTAMP - CHAR - VARCHAR - TINYTEXT - TEXT - MEDIUMTEXT - ENUM Currently, composite (PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FOREIGN) KEY constraints are not supported. # METHODS - **new** - Create a new instance. Data::Generator::FromDDL->new(%options); Possible options are: - ddl => $ddl Description of DDL. This option is required. - parser => $parser // 'MySQL' Parser for ddl. Choices are 'MySQL', 'SQLite', 'Oracle', or 'PostgreSQL'. - builder\_class => $builder\_class // 'Data::Generator::FromDDL::Builder::SerialOrder' Builder class. - include => \[@tables\] // \[\] Target tables. - exclude => \[@tables\] // \[\] Ignored tables. - **generate** - Generate dummy records. $generator->generate($num, $out_fh, $format, $pretty, $bytes_per_sql); Arguments are: - $num Number of records generated. - $out\_fh (default: \*STDOUT) File handle object to which records are dumped. - $format (default: 'sql') Output format. Choices are **'sql'**, **'json'**, **'yaml'**. - $pretty (default: false) Boolean value whether to print output prettily. - $bytes\_per\_sql (default: 1048576(1MB)) The maximum bytes of bulk insert statement. This argument is releated to the MySQL's **'max\_allowed\_packet'** variable which stands for the maximum size of string. It's recommended to suit this argument for your MySQL settings. cf. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar\_max\_allowed\_packet # COMMAND LINE INTERFACE The `datagen_from_ddl(1)` command is provided as an interface to this module. $ datagen_from_ddl --num=100 --parser=mysql --pretty your_ddl.sql For more details, please see [datagen\_from\_ddl](https://metacpan.org/pod/datagen_from_ddl)(1). # LICENSE Copyright (C) Yuuki Furuyama. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Yuuki Furuyama <addsict@gmail.com>